Kamis, 14 November 2013


Mimpi Generasi untuk Indonesia bebas korupsi

Generasi bangsa hanya bisa tercengang dengan menatap, melihat, memperhatikan dan merenung akan kondisi para pendahulunya yang banyak memperlihatkan tauladan yang benar-benar tidak dapat dijadikan panutan. Mungkin diantara generasi bangsa itu ada yang menjadikan itu sebagai batu loncatan untuk memperbaiki wajah negeri ini, baik dihadapan masyarakat internal Indonesia sendiri maupun masyarakat dunia. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri pula dari mereka ada yang menjadikannya sebagai refleksi masa depan yang tidak jauh akan menjadi seperti itu juga.
Sungguh ironis, jika hal kedua itu terjadi. Maka selamanya kondisi bangsa ini tidak akan berubah, selamanya akan berada dalam keterpurukan yang tercermin dari perilaku elite politik yang benar-benar menjadi bahan pembicaraan buruk di kalangan masyarakat. Dan sebenarnya hal ini sangat perlu untuk dibahas dan diperbincangkan oleh para pemegang kekuasaan di negeri ini. Apakah mereka tidak khawatir dengan generasi penerus yang akan menggantikan mereka nanti akan melakukan hal yang sama bahkan lebih parah dari perilaku buruk sebagian besar elite politik saat ini.
Ya, pastinya dahulu, ketika sekolah dan dibangku kuliah, para pemegang kekuasaan itu juga bertekad dan bercita-cita jika mereka menjadi pemimpin bangsa ini maka mereka akan memberikan kontribusi terbaik mereka untuk kemajuan bangsa dan kesejahteraan rakyat, tak jauh beda denga cita-cita para calon pengganti mereka saat ini. Namun, sekali lagi, apakah kondisinya juga akan sama?

Potret Negara bebas korupsi
Ada beberapa negara yang patut dijadikan contoh bagi negara kita untuk meminimalisir bahkan membumihanguskan praktek korupsi di negara ini. Yaitu: Denmark, Singapura, Selandia Baru, Finlandia, Kanada, Belanda, Australia dan Swiss.
Denmark dengan konsep ekonomi kapitalis pasar sekaligus kesejahteraan sosial, adalah negara yang mempunyai pendapatan tertinggi di dunia. Berdasarkan majalah Forbes, Denmark adalah negara yang memiliki iklim bisnis terbaik. Dari tahun 2006 sampai 2008, survey mengatakan bahwa Denmark adalah “tempat yang paling menyenangkan di dunia”, dipandang dari standar kesehatan, kesejahteraan, dan pendidikan. Survey Global Peace Index tahun 2009 mengatakan bahwa Denmark menduduki posisi negara paling damai kedua di dunia, setelah Selandia Baru.
Singapura, Negara yang jauh berbeda dengan negara tetangganya yang memiliki luas ber ratus-ratus kalilipatnya, Indonesia. Singapore memiliki nilai CPI sama dengan Denmark, 9,3. „Economist Intelligence Unit“ dalam “indeks kualitas hidup“ menempatkan Singapura pada peringkat satu kualitas hidup terbaik di Asia dan kesebelas di dunia. Singapura memiliki cadangan devisa terbesar kesembilan dunia. Singapura mendapatkan gelar pertumbuhan ekonomi tercepat di dunia, dengan pertumbuhan PDB 17.9% pada pertengahan pertama 2010.
Selandia Baru, termasuk dalam negara berkembang dengan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi menyaingi Eropa Selatan dalam beberapa hal, Selandia Baru termasuk dalam salah satu negara terbaik misalnya pada Indeks Pembangunan Manusia yang menempatkannya pada urutan ketiga. Ekspor merupakan andalan utama perekonomian negara ini sehingga dampak perekonomian dunia akan berpengaruh langsung pada kondisi ekonomi negara ini.
Sungguh mencengangkan dan cukup memberikan ekspektasi besar bagi kita untuk Negara ini dapat menjadi salah satu diantara beberapa negara yang bersih dari korupsi itu. Semoga.

Negara Korup
Memang butuh upaya yang ekstra untuk mencapai pada harapan Negara bebas korupsi itu karena korupsi di indonesia sudah tidak terkendali lagi. bahkan dalam berbagai macam survei indonesia masuk dalam salah satu daftar negara terkorup di dunia. berbagai macam kasus korupsi mulai dari yang besar, sedang hingga kasus korupsi kecil terjadi tahun demi tahun secara terus menerus tanpa bisa dihentikan. hukuman yang ringan menjadi penyebab utama para koruptor tetap saja menjalankan aksi korupsi.
Hukum yang diandalkan juga belum mampu bekerja maksimal, malahan kini hukum sangat mudah untuk dibeli. hal ini bisa dilihat dari banyaknya aparat hukum yang terlibat kasus suap. Seperti Kasus Korupsi Bank Century, Kasus Korupsi BLBI, Kasus Korupsi PLTU PAITON I Probolinggo, Kasus Korupsi Soeharto dan keluarganya, Kasus Korupsi HPH Dan Dana Reboisasi, Kasus Korupsi Edi Tansil / PT. Golden Key, Kasus Korupsi Hambalang, Kasus Korupsi Gayus Tambunan dan yang  baru-baru ini diberitakan oleh media masa tentang top manager Mahkahmah Konstitusi (MK) atas dugaan suap terkait sengketa Pilkada Kabupaten Gunung Mas, Kalimantan Tengah dan Lebak, Banten. Semuanya  diperankan oleh pejabat elit politik yang mengemban dipundaknya amanah suci dari rakyat.
Adalah benar suatu ungkapan yang menyatakan bahwa “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely“. Kekuasaan itu cenderung kepada korupsi dan kekuasaan yang mutlak, korupsinya pun jelas mutlak.
Seorang elit politik tertinggi tingkat pusat, seluruh nusantara tau akan tindakan korupsinya, jelas saja akan memberikan dan menambah image buruk pada pejabat oplitik di tingkat daerah. Bahkan bukan tidak mungkin malah daerah menjadikannya patokan untuk lagi berbuat hal yang sama.

Apa kabar daerah tertinggal?
Saat ini terdapat 183 kabupaten yang dikategorikan sebagai Daerah Tertinggal di Indonesia. Daftar kabupaten tersebut telah dimasukkan dalam RPJMN 2010-2014 sebagai target Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal. Penyebaran daerah tertinggal sebahagian besar (70%) daerah tertinggal saat ini terdapat di Kawasan Timur Indonesia. 
Nah, bagaimana nasib daerah tertinggal tersebut yang sebagian besar penyebab ketertinggalannya itu adalah karena korupsi?

Strategi untuk membumihanguskannya
Semua strategi untuk memberantas korupsi telah dan sedang diimplementasikan, termasuk yang telah disusun di  dalam Perpres Nomor 55 Tahun 2012 menyatakan bahwa strategi  Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Korupsi (PPK) memiliki visi jangka panjang dan menengah. Namun hingga saat ini praktek korupsi tersebut tetap saja terjadi dan bahkan bertambah parah. Disisi lain, dengan harapan keistiqomahan para pemegang kekuasaan untuk benar-benar menjalankan strategi itu dibarengi dengan dukungan dari seluruh rakyat. Insya Allah, harapan untuk menjadi negara yang bebas korupsi akan terwujud. Semoga.

Fauzan Hidayat, Wasana Praja Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN)/Fakultas Politik Pemerintahan Program Billingual Class


Abstract : In a wide range of Indonesian survey goes in one list of the most corrupt countries in the world. the main cause of the corrupt acts in Indonesia is the lighter sentences. dependable law also has been unable to work optimally. it can be seen from the number of law enforcement agencies involved in the bribery case. various cases of corruption that most do not result in punishment to deter the offender/suspect corruption. this is because the perpetrators mostly dominated by state officials and the rich. corruption cases convolute various agencies ranging from the Parliament, the police, the military, the government and the Minister, Attorney, Political Party and many more. We should be jealous of countries that virtually 100 % free of corruption. Such as Canada, Singapore, Finland etc. Indonesia is still ranked in the order of 110 .
It is to be feared if corruption impacts on future generations who could make it as a stepping stone to improve this countr, both internal Indonesian society themselves and the world community . But there is no doubt they are there anyway of making it as a reflection of the future that not much would be like that too .
All strategies for combating corruption has been implemented, including those that have developed in the Presidential Decree No. 55 of 2012, which are: Prevention, Law Enforcement, Harmonization of Laws, Cooperation, International and Asset Rescue Results Corruption, Anti-Corruption Education and Culture, Implementation of Anti-Corruption Reporting mechanism.
Keywords: Corruption, Punishment, Law Enforcement, Generation.

In philosophical, theological, or moral discussions, corruption is spiritual or moral impurity or deviation from an ideal. Corruption may include many activities including bribery and embezzlement. Government, or 'political', corruption occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official capacity for personal gain.
Corruption is a social phenomenon that until now still can not be eradicated by humans to the fullest. Corruption grew along with the development of human civilization. Not only in our beloved country, corruption also flourished in other parts of the world, even in the most developed countries are saying though. Quoting Muhammad Zein, corruption is an extraordinary crime (extraordinary crime). Corruption is a product of the attitudes of the community groups that use money as a standard of truth and as absolute power. As a result of corruption inequality between the poor and the rich even clearer. Rich people and corrupt politicians gain entrance into the ruling elite and highly respected. They also have a high social status.
Incidence of corruption is caused by many things, one of which the local culture. Adopted culture and our society is believed to have been a bit much cause and cultivate corruption . In the Java community known mbecek culture, tribut , patron - client, and so forth. The cultures may be said to be the root of the emergence of corruption in the future. Patron - Client in the culture , it is believed that the greatness Patron has the right and power , while the client is limited to smallness and greatness rights obligations to patrons . Clients are always trying to imitate what the patron, and the patron justify any action. It is based on the view that because of all the patrons thought to have come from noble cultural values ​​. Patron can not resist such action, including actions that are not commendable, anti-human, harmful to others who then called corruption. General, clients often provide certain things barag to the patron, in the hope they would be given jobs or higher wages. Clients also paid tribute to the patron excessive.
Petty corruption is gradually extended to groups of other people . The graft deployment process called continuous imitation (mimesis ongoing corruption) . This process can go unnoticed by the public . In such families , parents often unwittingly taught corruption to his son. Although parents do not actually mean it, but we must not forget that children are the best imitators , they imitate anything done by the adults around him.
Definition of Corruption
Corruption comes from the Latin, meaning corruptio - corrumpere rotten , damaged , destabilizing, twisting or bribe. Corruption by Huntington (1968 ) is the behavior of public officials who deviate from the norms accepted by society, and deviant behavior is addressed in order to satisfy personal interests.
According to Dr. Kartini Kartono, corruption is the behavior of individuals who use the authority and position to extract private benefits, harm the public interest.

Furthermore, with reference to the above definition Huntington , Heddy Shri Ahimsha - Men (2002 ) stated that the problem of corruption is a matter of political meaning.
So we can conclude that corruption is detrimental to fraudulent State and the wider community with a variety of modes.Malaysian sociologist Syed Hussein Alatas implicitly mentions three forms of corruption are bribes (Bribery), racketeering (extortion), and nepotism. Alatas defines nepotism as the appointment of relatives , friends and political allies to occupy public positions , regardless of its capabilities and its impact on the public good (Alatas 1999:6 ).
The third core category of corruption in the Alatas is subordinated to the public interest under the personal goals that include violations of norms, duties, and general welfare, which is accompanied by secrecy, betrayal, deception, and indifference to the consequences thereof for society. The term can also refer to the corrupt use of government funds for personal purposes . This definition is not only about conventional monetary corruption, but also involves political and administrative corruption. An administrator who use his position to drain unofficial payments from the investors (domestic and foreign), using government resources, position, prestige, status, or official authority, for personal gain can also be categorized as corruption.
Quoting Robert Redfield , corruption seen from the cultural center , the cultural center is divided into two , namely culture palace ( great culture) and grassroots culture ( little culture) . Cultural dichotomy is always there , and more with the dichotomy of subjectivity in large culture centered on the palace . Kraton is considered as the cultural center . If there are other cultural centers outside the palace , of course considerably lower than in the culture palace . Although the two cultures are essentially stand alone but still no leaks culture .
Corrupt Countries
It does take some extra effort to reach the expectations of the State free of corruption, see how deeply rooted culture of corruption in various sectors of the Indonesian government, whether executive, legislative, and judicial branches or even private parties. Various attempts have been made to eradicate corruption, one of which is the establishment of institutions Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), which is currently being intensively hunted down the criminals caught either directly by hand with corruption, and indirectly with its sophisticated equipment to track corruption.
Indonesia has been branded, including the country's biggest corruption case it can be seen from the number of law enforcement agencies involved in the bribery case. Such as the Bank Century Case of Corruption, Corruption BLBI, Corruption Paiton I Probolinggo, Suharto and his family Corruption, Corruption logging and reforestation fund, Edi Corruption Tansil/PT. Golden Key, Hambalang Corruption, Corruption and the Gayus Tambunan was recently reported by the mass media about the top manager Mahkahmah Constitutional Court (MK) concerned a dispute over alleged election bribery Gunung Mas, Central Kalimantan and Lebak, Banten. Everything is played by the political elite officials who carry on his shoulder sacred mandate of the people.
Is actually a phrase stating that "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely". That power tends to corrupt and absolute power, absolute corruption was evident.
A top political elite national level, the entire archipelago will know corruption measures, and obviously it will give a bad image to add oplitik officials at the local level. In fact it is not impossible even makes reference to another area to do the same thing.

Portrait of A Corruption-Free Country
Indonesia is still ranked 110 world in terms of high levels of corruption. This condition improved from previous years featuring the beloved Indonesia in order to the very bottom of the world 4.
There are some countries that should serve as an example for our country even burned to minimize corruption in the country. Namely: Denmark, Singapore, New Zealand, Finland, Canada, the Netherlands, Australia and Switzerland.
Here is a list of the cleanest countries based on data corruption CPI (Corruption Index Perseption) issued in 2010 Transparation International institutions:
Viiking country is listed as the cleanest state of corruption with CPI score of 9.3 , aka almost perfect. Denmark , which embraced the concept of a mixed market capitalist economy as well as social welfare, is the country that has the highest income in the world. By Forbes magazine, Denmark is the country that has the best business climate. From 2006 to 2008 , the survey said that Denmark was "the nicest place in the world", is seen from the standard of health, welfare, and education. Global Peace Index survey in 2009 said that Denmark came in second most peaceful country in the world, after New Zealand.

This country is much different from the neighbor who has a spacious air - hundred hundred kalilipatnya , Indonesia. Singapore has a value equal to the Danish CPI, 9.3 . The Economist Intelligence Unit in its "Quality of Life Index " ranks Singapore as having the best quality of life in Asia and eleventh in the world. Singapore has the ninth largest foreign reserves in the world . This country also has an advanced armed forces . After its GDP decreased -6.8 % in the 4th quarter of 2009 , Singapore earned the fastest growing economies in the world, with a GDP growth of 17.9 % in the first half of 2010. Singapore's worth if said as a majority of people rich.

New Zealand
New Zealand including in developing countries with economic growth rates rivaling Southern Europe in some ways , New Zealand is included in one of the best countries such as the Human Development Index which puts New Zealand in third. Exports are the mainstay of the economy of this country so that the impact of the world economy will impact directly on the economic condition of this country.

Sweden is one of the poorest countries in Europe in the 19th century, due to high alcohol consumption and dogmatic Protestantism, to transportation and developed communication allows utilization of the natural assets of some parts of the country, which is famous for wood and iron ore. Now , the state is defined by the liberal tendencies and a strong desire equations, and is usually located at the top of the UN Human Development Index.

Finland is an industrialized country, has a free-market economy, with per capita output roughly equal to the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy . High standard of living in Finland . Key sectors of the economy is production, especially in the field of telecommunication . Trade has an important role to nearly a third of its GDP. Finland imports of raw materials, energy, and some components of the production of goods.
Because of the climate , agricultural development is limited to maintaining self- sufficiency. Forestry is a significant export, providing a secondary occupation for the rural population. Rapid integration with Western Europe, Finnish markka and left the currency switch to the euro on January 1, 1999.
Finland is a welfare state so that citizens are taxed large, but instead, they enjoy a good social services.
Canada's economy is now approaching the United States with a market - oriented economic system, pattern of production, and high living standards . In the last century , the tremendous growth in production, mining , and service sectors has transformed the nation from rural to urban industrial economy . Energy can be met alone , Canada has a lot of natural gas reserves on the east coast and the three western provinces , as well as many other resources.
Canada has successfully avoided economic recession after 2001 and has maintained the best growth in the G8 group . With banyakanya natural resources, skilled labor force, and modern capital plant, Canada enjoys solid economic prospects. Overshadowed by two difficulties , the first being the constitution of political differences between Quebec and the other Canadian . This has increased the possibility of separation in the federation . However , as the economy has strengthened , especially in Quebec , the split has eased fears.

The Netherlands has an advanced and open economy in which the government has reduced its role in guarding the Dutch economy since the 1980s. The main economic activity in the Netherlands is including food processing, chemicals, oil processing, and manufacture of electrical machinery. Although the agricultural sector only provides job opportunities are less than 4 % of the population, the Netherlands is able to produce a surplus for export in the food industry. Netherlands ranks third in the list of food exporter, after the United States and France.

Australia adopts a market economy with high GDP per capita and low rate of poverty. The Australian dollar is the currency of the country, including the Christmas Island, Cocos ( Keeling) Islands, and Norfolk Island, as well as the Pacific island states are independent, ie, Kiribati, Nauru, and Tuvalu. After the merger of the Australian Stock Exchange and the Sydney Futures Exchange in 2006, is now the Australian Securities Exchange become the largest stock exchange in the world to - 9.

System of government is very good, truly reflect and absorb the diversity of its population. As a federal state , democracy is "straight", but is represented by the Federal Assembly. This Parliament chose seven men to become " the government ". Seventh ministerial status, department heads, and one of them becomes president for a one-year rotating basis. President rotates annually !

Kingdom of Norway or Kongeriket Norge ( Noreg ) in Norwegian, is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula bordering its western end with Sweden, Finland, and Russia. The beach is located in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Barents Sea is the location of the famous fjords. Svalbard and Jan Mayen are under Norwegian sovereignty by the Treaty of Svalbard. Norway has a named Bouvet island located in the Atlantic Ocean. The total area of ​​Norway is 385.525 km ² and a population of 4.9 million. Norway is the country with the second lowest population density in europe its capitalis Oslo. Norway has reserves of petroleum, natural gas, minerals, seafood, fresh water is wide. Norway has oil and natural gas per capita outside the Middle East.
It's amazing and quite give great expectations for us to this state can be one of the few countries that are free of corruption, Hopefully.


All strategies for combating corruption has been and is being implemented , including those that have developed in the Presidential Decree No. 55 of 2012 states that the strategy of the Prevention and Combating of Corruption ( KDP ) has a long-term vision and medium. But until now the corruption still going on and even worse. On the other hand, in the hope keistiqomahan the authorities to actually execute that strategy coupled with the support of all the people.

To achieve this vision, the strategy is designed 6 :
a)       Prevention
Corruption still occurs in massive and systematic. Practice can take place anywhere, at state agencies, private institutions, up in everyday life. Seeing such conditions, it is a viable prevention strategy seated as his first. Through prevention strategies, is expected to appear sustainable measures that contribute to the improvement of the future. This strategy is a response to a more focused approach on the repressive approach. Paradigm with a growing repressive approach because it is believed to provide a deterrent effect against perpetrators of corruption (corruption). Unfortunately, this approach is still not capable of repressive behavior and reduce corrupt practices systematically-massif. The success of prevention strategies is measured by an increase in the value of the Prevention of Corruption Index, which counts obtained from two sub-indicators, namely the Control of Corruption Index and the ease of doing business rankings (ease of doing business) are issued by the World Bank. The higher the index number is obtained, it is believed corruption prevention strategies has been improved.
b)      Law Enforcement
There are still many unresolved cases of corruption , but the interest and expectations of the community has been sucked in such a way as to look forward to the completion of fair and transparent manner . Inconsistent enforcement of the positive law and the process is not transparent , in turn , affects the level of confidence ( trust) of the law society and its institutions . In a weak level of confidence , people are led to the opinion that the law is no longer believed to be a container of conflict resolution . Society tends to resolve conflicts and problems of their own way through that , unfortunately , often at odds with the law.
Not to mention if there are other parties that exploit inconsistencies law enforcement for its own sake, can increasingly worse circumstances. The absence of trust in society, no doubt, growing dissatisfaction and unfair to the institution and its legal apparatus. At one time, when no remediation efforts in the context of law enforcement in Indonesia, then things like this would be an obstacle in itself. To that end, the completion of corruption cases that attract people absolutely need to be accelerated. Enforcement strategies success rate is measured by Law Enforcement Corruption Index derived from the percentage of completion of each stage in the process of law enforcement -related cases of Corruption, ranging from complaints resolution phase until the completion of the execution of the verdict Corruption Corruption. The higher the index number Corruption Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement strategies it is believed has been improved.
c)       Harmonization of legislation
Ratified the UNCAC, is proof of the consistency of the Indonesian Government 's commitment to accelerate the eradication of corruption. As a consequence, the clauses in the UNCAC should be applicable and binding as law in Indonesia. There are some clauses which are new, so it needs to be regulated / more-advanced accommodated in corruption-related regulations as well as to revise provisions in the regulations that still overlap priority in this strategy. The success rate of this strategy is measured by the percentage of Indonesian anti-corruption regulatory compliance with UNCAC clause. The closer to one hundred percent, then the legislation for the prevention and eradication of corruption in Indonesia, more complete and in accordance with the practices that are common in other countries.
d)      International Cooperation and Asset Rescue Corruption results.
With regard to efforts to recovering assets from corruption, both at home and abroad, have realized a return on assets and the prevention mechanisms directly as the provisions of UNCAC. Indonesian laws and regulations for the implementation of the decision has not been seizure (seizure) of other countries, especially the seizure of assets without a court decision on a case of corruption (confiscation without a criminal conviction). Rescue assets should be supported by the management of state assets to be institutionalized in a professional state of the property assets from corruption can be returned to an optimal state. The success of this strategy is measured by the percentage of recovering assets from corruption to the state treasury by a court decision and the percentage success rate (success rate) international cooperation on the implementation of demand and acceptance of demand Mutual Legal Assistance ( MLA ) and Extradition. The higher return assets to the state treasury and the success of international cooperation, in particular in the field of corruption, then the strategy is believed to work well.
e)       Education and Cultural Anti-corruption
Corrupt practices are increasingly requiring massive collaborative intentions of governments and all stakeholders. Its form, could be an attempt inculcate a culture of integrity that collectively and systematically implemented, either through the activity of anti- corruption education and internalization of anti-corruption culture in public and private environments . With a common point of view on each individual throughout Indonesia that corruption is evil , and ultimately the behavior of individuals actively promote the establishment of governance - governance free from corruption initiatives are expected to foster positive for KDP efforts in particular, as well as improvements in governance - governance generally. The success rate of this strategy is measured based on the existing Anti-Corruption Behavior Index governance among government and individuals throughout Indonesia. The higher the index number, it is believed the value of anti-corruption culture increasingly internalized and manifested in the real behavior of every individual to fight against corruption.

f)        Implementation of Anti-Corruption Reporting Mechanism
Strategies that promote the strengthening of the internal mechanism in the Ministry/Agency, private, and public, will certainly facilitate the flow of data / information related to the progress of the implementation of the provisions of UNCAC. Consolidation and publication of information in a variety of media, both electronic and print, including webportal KDP, will facilitate access and utilization in policy-making and performance measurement of KDP. Transparency in reporting KDP will allow stakeholders to participate actively oversee every effort made by the government, public institutions and the private sector. Success is measured by an index level of satisfaction of stakeholders on the KDP report. The higher the level of satisfaction of stakeholders, it is hoped, all the information and reporting requirements related to the process of policy formulation and assessment of progress on the CO can be met so that efforts can be escorted KDP sustainable and well targeted.

The next generation of national leadership and relay holder divided into two groups in dealing with various examples of bad practices of corruption in this country, namely: generation make it as a springboard for the development of the nation and make it a standard that generations fraud while serving in the future.
The first class, that's to be expected. So that the next generation really understand and comprehend its predecessor weaknesses, so that when he came to power in the future, all the negative things that met current can be minimized, avoided and even eliminated. But to make it as a second class standard deviation when it became officers in the future, is what feared. And actually be food for thought and discussion specifically the leaders of this nation. How the hang of this generation to not imitate bad behavior of the leaders / political officials entangled in corruption cases.
This can be done with the anti- corruption education and culture as it is included in any anti-corruption strategy. It is also used as the main strategy, because it is a moral investment assets and the next generation of leadership in order to become a person of integrity and a role model who can really rely on.
Corruption is a product of the attitudes of the community groups that use money as a standard of truth and as absolute power . As a result of corruption inequality between the poor and the rich even clearer. Rich people and corrupt politicians gain entrance into the ruling elite and highly respected . They also have a high social status . The impact of corruption is not very good , especially on the next generation. They could have made ​​the current corrupt practices as a stepping stone repairs they do in the future , but on the other hand it is not impossible if the successor genereasi it became a bad example that could serve as guidelines.
Many countries that could serve as an example and guide for Indonesia to be a corruption-free country. Some indicators can be a guideline but everything is back to driving government actors and the community itself. There are several strategies that made ​​in combating corruption :
Implementation Mechanism Reporting Corruption, Anti-Corruption Education and Culture, International Cooperation and Asset Rescue Results Corruption, Harmonisation of Legislation, Enforcement and Prevention.
With hope consistence of the authorities to actually execute that strategy coupled with the support of all the people of the dreams and ideals of Indonesian corruption free could become a reality.

Klitgaard,  Robert, Dkk. 2002: Penuntun Pemberantasan Korupsi dalam Pemerintahan Daerah. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia (YOI)
Hamzah, Andi. 2005. Pemberantasan Korupsi Melalui Hukum Pidana Nasional dan Internasional. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada

By: WP. Fauzan Hidayat
Political Government Program of IPDN Billingual Class 

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